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Breakfast Club and STEPS

Breakfast Club


We have a dedicated STEP's team, onsite, which is available to children. 

To use this service, you must book in, by contacting the school office, and boking through ParentPay. 


Our Breakfast club is 7.30am to School Start, we provide children with breakfast (cereal/toast/fruit/yoghurt) children have games and toys to play with, we play music and have lots of books for children to read. 

STEPS After School Club


We have a dedicated STEP's TEAM, onsite, which is available to children. 

To use this service, contact the school office so you can book on ParentPay 


Our Afterschool Club starts at 3.30pm, you can book a session for the first hour only - until 4.30, or book the full session, which is until 6pm. We provide children with a snack (sandwich/crisps/fruit/snack bars/yoghurt) children have games and toys to play with, if the weather is fine children can go onto the school playground, we do arts and crafts,  we often play music and children have a choice of books for children to read. 


To contact STEP's after 3.45pm, please call 01773 742281 and use EXT 2454. 

Price Increase 24/25

Infants using STEP's  - 


Ripley Infant School, can also access  our  breakfast and afterschool club, for more info, please call us - 01773 742281 

Prices - 


Breakfasts 5.25
1st hour after-school - £6.30
Full session after-school -£8.90
Breakfast and after-school - £12 (£11 for sibling)

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