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Modern Foreign Languages

Spanish at Ripley Junior School


As directed by the 2014 National Curriculum, all children are taught a Modern Foreign Language. At RJS we focus on Spanish.


As Spanish is a relatively new language to us as a school, all of the children are starting their Spanish learning with the same vocabulary while covering the objectives set for the different year groups.


At Ripley Junior School, children are taught Spanish throughout Key Stage 2, using the Twinkl scheme in addition to other resources. Areas covered include: numbers, colours, house and home, in town, food and drink, the classroom, clothes and hobbies.


Children are encouraged and supported to develop their speaking and listening skills through conversational work, singing activities and games. As confidence and skill grow, children record their work through pictures, captions and sentences.

-displays are used to remind children of key vocabulary

-practical activities, songs and games are used to help improve memory and recall.

- Knowledge and skills are revisited regularly to improve recall of key facts.

-In the classroom, wherever possible, instructions are given in Spanish to expose children to the language as much as possible and in day to day contexts.

-Visual prompts are used to support children in translating new vocabulary.

-Word mats/ Knowledge organisers are available for children to have out on desks to support their learning and recap previous learning.




For more information about Spanish at RJS, please contact your child's class teacher or Mrs Bettison, our MFL leader.

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