Your PE coordinators are: Mr Adams and Mr Holling
Each class takes part in at least 2 hours of taught PE sessions per week. Usually, this consists of 'competitive, skill based sports' for one hour, with the second hour basing itself on gymnastic/dance skills. Our lessons are planned in conjunction with the Amber Valley Sports Partnership, to ensure we teach high quality, purposeful lessons which support, embed skills and challenge our children.
Other Sporting Activities:
Ensuring high quality PE teaching
At Ripley Junior School, we work in partnership with the Amber Valley Sports Partnership to ensure our children have purposeful, challenging PE sessions. By using the partnership, we are able to improve the teaching of PE by using the expert skills and knowledge of partnership staff to develop the skills and knowledge of our staff. Across the school, each term works with the sports coach for at least one term per year, focusing on key skills which can be applied to a variety of competitive sports. Linking in with competition calendars, we also teach our pupils the rules and skills to compete in a variety of local school competitions.
Sports Premium Funding:
For more information on how we have used our sports premium funding, please click on the following internal link:
PE Curriculum Overview 2023-24
PE Subject On A Page
Y3 Exploring PE and physical activities when visually or physically impaired