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Contact Us

At Ripley Junior School we have an open door policy. At the start and end of each day, members of staff meet our children on the playground and/or at the main entrance, where they are available to discuss and address any questions or concerns you may have. If a member of staff is unavailable, please contact the school office, who will arrange an appointment at a suitable time.


We welcome opinions and constructive feedback. You can tell us in the surveys we ask you and your children to complete throughout the year, you can contact the school in the usual ways and you can also express your opinions about this school on the Ofsted website using the Parent View Tool. Just search for Ofsted and click on the parent view link to register and have your say.

Mrs S Woodward                 Acting Headteacher

Miss L Riley/Mrs R Turner  Acting Deputy Headteachers


Miss M Plumtree      SENDCo

Mr M Donaldson       Chair to Governors


Ripley Junior School
Poplar Avenue




Please feel free to pop in to the office with any queries and see Miss Varty or Mrs Swift


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Telephone: 01773 742281


For pupil related queries message us on Class Dojo. 


For non pupil related queries, please email: 


Breakfast and Afterschool Club queries: or call 01773 742281 - ext 2454 

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