Through our carefully planned sequence of Geography units across KS2, our children will develop their curiosity and understanding of the world around them. They will build their 'sense of place and belonging' and how they fit within their locality and the wider area.
We encourage investigation, questioning, exploration and analysis whilst building links on previous knowledge and skills learned. The children will have opportunities to practise and deepen their understanding through a variety of learning opportunities, including fieldwork, workshops, visits and high-quality online resources and texts. They will understand there is more to Geography than just'places and countries' and realise what the subject has to offer.
Where possible, our Geography units link with other aspects of our year group curriculum. Within learning, there will be cross-curricular links with other subjects such as Maths, Science and History. This will give context to the children's understanding and provide opportunities for embedding key vocabulary, knowledge and practising skills. Our Geography is also a key part of our Sustainability and Climate Change plans.
In conjunction with the content taught from the National Curriculum, we have a strong focus on:
We also link many of our learning opportunities - including Geography units - with the UN Sustainable Goals.
In Geography, there are explicit links and teaching with:
- Climate Action
- Responsible consumption and production
- Life on Land
- Sustainability amongst others.