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Religious Education



Our RE lessons at RJS will allow pupils to learn and explore more about different religions and cultures. Engaging learning tasks and experiences give our children a good understanding of faiths and beliefs beyond our locality. This will in turn help our pupils become tolerant, accepting and welcoming individuals within society, as well as embracing British Values.



Religious education is planned and taught in accordance with the Derbyshire Agreed Syllabus 2020 - 2025.  Coverage to ensure progression and continuity is planned on a yearly cycle based upon the objectives from the agreed syllabus, building upon the work from our feeder infant schools.


In KS2 we will build on previous knowledge of Christians and Jewish people (learnt in KS1), giving our children a deeper understanding of both religions. In LKS2 we will then introduce Hindus and from the end of y4, Humanists (non-religious people.) We will continue to deepen our understanding and compare these religions in UKS2, as well as introducing Muslims.   


Children are taught within their usual classes, using a wide variety of teaching styles, methods and resources, such as:

  • Artefacts and high-quality resources
  • Visits and/or visitors
  • Online media - games, virtual tours
  • Multimedia - videos
  • Texts 
  • Discussions.

RE Long Term Plan 2023 - 2024

Library Displays

Examples of work in Year 3.

Examples of work from Year 4.

Examples of work from Year 6



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