Welcome to the RJS school office
Our School Office opens at 8.30am and closes at 3.50pm during term time only.
Our School Business manager, Miss Varty, and Business Assistant, Mrs Swift, are here to help you.
The school office telephone number is 01773 742281 or send us a Dojo message.
Class Dojo
Please ensure you have access to Class Dojo as this is vital for ensuring you know what is happening in school and are able to pick up all communications to do with school. Also please check the website calendar and letters to parents so you are aware of all events and trips.
Reporting Absence
Please send a Dojo message to the school office and not your child's class teacher to report any absence. It is important that you are specific and honest about your child's absence. If we have not received any communication by 9.30am the school office will contact you.
Medication in school
We require a medical form to be completed for any medication that is bought into school, whether it is short-term or long-term medication.
If your child will be taking medication for 7 days or longer please ensure you complete a long-term form.
If your child only needs medication for 1-7 days (e.g. Calpol) please complete the short-term medication form.
Please complete the online form(s) below and submit once completed, all submitted forms will come through to the school office.
Alternatively please see the forms section, to print a medication form off.
If you have any questions please message us on Class Dojo.
Breakfast and After School Club
We now offer Breakfast Club to all of our pupils. Children are able to attend from 7.30am, where they will be supervised by Miss Burton and will be provided with a nutritious breakfast. For more information on cost etc., contact the school office.
After school club (STEPS) runs every day from 3:30 - 6:00 pm. The club is run by Miss Burton who ensures that there are a range of different activities throughout the week. We aim to make sure there is outdoor play, a sports activity, a creative/craft activity and a quiet homework area plus lots more available during the week.
If would like to know more please email steps: lswift@ripley-jun.derbyshire.sch.uk
Leave of Absence Request
The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 state that Headteachers should not grant approval for any leave of absence during term-time, including holidays, unless there are exceptional circumstances.