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Through our carefully planned sequence of History units across KS2, our children will develop their curiosity and understanding of the history around them – locally, in the wider area and worldwide.


They will build a good chronological-understanding of how history has been shaped and how their own history and locality have been affected by outside influences.


We encourage questioning, exploration, curiosity and analysis whilst building links on previous knowledge and skills learned. The children will have opportunities to practise and deepen their understanding through a variety of learning opportunities, including workshops, visits and high-quality online resources and texts.




Each unit begins with an enquiry question, such as, ‘How did the Roman Empire affect Britain?' and where possible, our units link with other aspects of our year group curriculum.


Within learning, there will be cross-curricular links with other subjects such as Maths, Science and Geography. This will give context to the children's understanding and provide opportunities for embedding key vocabulary, knowledge and practising skills.



In conjunction with the content taught from the National Curriculum, we have a strong focus on:


Using timelines to develop a sense and understanding of chronology



It can be a tricky things for us to get our head around the concept of time, so the use of timelines during units will help children develop this. Each timeline will have key dates/facts that the children will learn about and remember during that topic. Using timelines will also help to address misconceptions, such as there being a 'Year 0.'


In our language-rich environment, we aim to build a common language in our lessons. Key vocabulary is displayed in each classroom and referred to throughout lessons. Important terms are recapped and revisited as the children progress through school.

Our Learning

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