Music intent:
Musical skills learnt, especially composing, each year will be developed, enhanced and nurtured across each progressing year group as children grow in confidence and develop their love of music.
We encourage and nurture every child’s talent and develop exploration of music and links across subjects and seek to develop links with the wider community.
We intend children to develop using both voices and instruments, have experiences of different types of music with both exploring and creating in groups and independently.
Implementation: HOW WILL IT BE TAUGHT?
We will deliver our music intent through:
High quality regular music lessons, using the scheme of work provided (Charanga)
Following the skills progression chart across all 4 year groups to ensure skills are developed throughout RJS
Developing staff confidence in different areas of music through CPD
Using of a variety of mediums (including instruments, voice and ICT programmes)
Using the wider community and cultures to explore other music and new experiences
Allowing children to listen and engage with music from different cultures, genres and historical periods.
Each year children will have a chance to compose, edit and perform a piece of music
Having a variety of instruments that children are confident in using
Using Derbyshire Music Services to give children real life experiences of learning an instrument
Creating links with the community to help give children performing opportunities
Pupil voice interviews to check children’s feelings towards music as well as knowledge of vocabulary.
Develop an effective assessment strategy to ensure progression across year groups
Observations in music
Termly videos and performances