During the summer term, we will be going on a journey around the United Kingdom. We will be exploring where castles were built and why they were built there before looking at some very important Kings and Queens who have shaped Britain over the years to make it the country it is today. Just like the rest of this year, most of our subjects will relate to this topic.
Our English work this term will be linked to our Castles and Crowns topic. We will being by looking at a fantasy story called 'The Dragon Snatcher'. We will then explore Persuasive Adverts and will create our own advert to try to persuade the famous archer Robin Hood to buy our bow and arrow. We shall also be looking at newspapers, poetry and letter writing.
We will continue to develop our comprehension skills in preparation for Year 4! We will continue to look at a whole range of texts and genres and will then be using our VIPERS to really dig deeper into the text.
During this term we will continue to explore different spelling rules and patterns. We will also begin to unpick, in more detail, the Year 3/4 spelling words. These are words that we have to be able to spell by the end of Year 4 and there is a lot of them!
The summer term will see us explore fractions, mass and capacity, money, time and shape.
It is going to be a very busy term!
History and Geography learning objectives are covered during our 'Topic' lessons.
During Summer Term 1 we will be discovering the locations of the UK’s castles and exploring the reasons why these castles were built in these locations. When we return after half-term, we will move onto looking at who ruled the UK and the influence they had upon it.
We will be spending time outside and doing lots of fun creative activities.
This term we will busy exploring forces.
We will be discovering the effects of forces and magnets upon objects.
Our skills on the Chrome Books have really developed and we are getting very good! This term we will be learning how we can use computers to create graphs and also we will have opportunities to model simulations.
Don't forget we can also look at TTRockstars to help us with our times table work.
Our PSHE work for this term will be a unit of work on 'Relationships' where we will explore what makes a positive relationship.
Following on from this we will be looking at 'being responsible' and how we can be responsible citizens.
For our final term of RE we will be focusing on:
* What do different people believe about God?
* Why do people pray?
During this summer term we will continue to develop our learning of Spanish and more about the Spanish culture. We will be learning the days of the week and parts of the body.
During the Summer Term we will complete one Art and one D&T topic, both relating to our 'Castles and Crowns' topic.
In Art we will be learning about the different sketching pencils and how they can be used to create shade and tone. We will then learn how to sketch portraits in the style of the royal portraits of the past as well as exploring primary, secondary and tertiary colours and colour mixing.
Our D&T work will focus on sewing and we will be learning some basic stitches to create a topic related bookmark.
Music for the summer term will be 'Bringing us together' which is a Disco song about friendship, peace, hope and unity. We will conclude with a 'reflect, rewind and replay' unit where we will consolidate the learning that has occurred during the year.
During the summer term we will be developing our skills in gymnastics, tennis, cricket, rounders and outdoor and adventurous activity.