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Meet the Governors


Welcome to Ripley Junior School Governors' page. This page will tell you who the Governors are, what their roles are and a little about them.


At Ripley Junior School the Governors play an active part in ensuring the success of the school. Each Governor is linked to either a subject  at our school or an improvement priority, and some also have responsibility for overseeing other areas such as Safeguarding and recruitment.


What do the Governors do at Ripley Junior School?

Part of the role of a school Governor is helping make important decisions for the school. These decisions involve looking at how the school spends its annual budget, ensuring the school meets the requirements of the national curriculum, setting targets and monitoring achievements. The Governors are also involved in areas such as staffing decisions and ensuring that the school premises are well maintained. Overall, the Governors aim to do whatever they can to be supportive of the school, it's staff and all of the children and families.


The Governing Body is responsible for ensuring that the school is run to promote pupil achievement.


Its duties include:

-  setting strategic direction, policies and objectives;

- approving the school budget;

- reviewing progress against the school's budget and objectives;

appointing, supporting and critically questioning the Headteacher.


Who are the Governors?

The Governing Body of Ripley Junior School is made up of the school's Headteacher, elected members of school staff, elected parents and selected representatives of the local community.


How are the Governors chosen?

Parent Governors are elected by other parents at the school, school staff Governors are elected by their colleagues and community Governors may be chosen by the rest of the Governing Body.


When do the Governors meet?

The Governors usually meet once per half term. Meetings take place in the evenings in school.


How can you get your ideas across to the Governors?

You can approach the Governors directly if you see them in and around the school, or you can contact us in writing via the school office. Alternatively, you can email the Clerk to Governors, Dee Hill at:


You can find out more about becoming a Governor by visiting Derbyshire County Council Governor page at or by emailing Mrs Hill. 

Who's who?

Ripley Junior School Governing Body Who's Who, Terms of Office & Business Interests

Our children at RJS asked our Governors these questions, in order to find out a little more about them:


What is your role as a Governor of our school?

Why did you decide to become a Governor?

How will you help to develop our school?

Describe yourself in three words.


Here are their answers...




Paul Wardle

Role: Co-opted Governor


As a school Governor I have responsibilities to oversee, through the Governing Body, the effective running of the school and ensure that the school meets all of the requirements set out by the Government. I am also on the Resources Committee who have responsibilities for monitoring the financial performance of the school against the school budget. This entails making sure that our scarce resources are spent efficiently and wisely.


Why?: I became a school co-opted Governor because I thought it was time for me to put something back into the system that I benefited from so much during my educational years and that my experience during my working life would be useful.


How will I help develop school? I will help to develop Ripley Junior School by bringing my experience to the rest of the Governing Body, working hard to continuously improve the quality of education given to our Ripley Junior School pupils.


3 words: educated, experienced and senior citizen!


Jeanette Blowen

Role: Co-opted governor 



Nicola Butler

Role: Staff governor 



Duncan Heenen

Role: Co-opted governor 



Charlotte Burton

Role: LA governor 



Dee Hill

Role: Clerk to Governors


Former Governors in the last 12 months:


Julie Critchlow 

Naomi Hopwood 

Jo Spray

Lorraine West 

Roland Emmas-Williams 

Nicolas Beswick 

Martin Donaldson

Andy Adlington 

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