In Year 3, we continue to develop the children's understanding of spelling, punctuation and grammar, building on the work from Year 2. This year, we will encourage children to embed their knowledge to create longer pieces of writing and will begin to encourage children to structure their sentences and writing in a more exciting way.
Year 3 end of year expectations for writing:
At RJS, each pupil in Year 3 has a spelling or phonics session every day. Spelling is taught by your child's class teacher, whilst Mrs Concannon takes a small phonics group. Below are a list of spelling patterns which children in Y3 are taught: these include words from the Y3/4 program of study and a review of some patterns from KS1. Alongside these, we also teach the Y3/4 spelling list, which provides a list of words children should spell by the time they enter Year 5. If you have any questions about how spelling is taught, please contact your child's class teacher.
Year 3 end of year expectations for reading: